Intercultural Matching

Qu’est-ce que c’est ? C’est partir à l’aventure et se découvrir !

Vous vivez à Montréal depuis peu et vous souhaitez vous rapprocher de personnes résidant dans votre nouveau quartier ? Vous souhaitez vous rapprocher de personnes nouvellement arrivées et créer un duo de choc ?

Registration for the summer-fall 2024 cohort is now closed.
The next cohort will take place in January 2025.

If you would like to be notified when the next registrations open, please contact [email protected].

What Is Intercultural Matching?

You have just arrived in Montreal?

Alone or with your family

You will:

  • Discover your new living place
  • Practice the French language

You are a long-time Quebec resident?

Alone or with your family

You will:

  • Support inclusion in your community
  • Help someone with the practice of French

As a duo, you will :

“Hi, my name is Viviana, I’m doing my twinning with Danielle and I’m very happy because I know some very interesting places that she showed me. We went to Château de Dufresne, Île de la Visitation and the same day to the Musée de Cidre. I also asked her to go to the Notre-Dame-des-Neiges cemetery, then we had cookies and coffee at Première Moisson (Danielle’s favorite place). I really enjoyed going out with Danielle, learning about Montreal’s history and making friends with her. At first, I signed up for twinning to practice my French, but I enjoyed every outing with her. I thank CANA for this extraordinary opportunity for my integration into Quebec society!”

Viviana, Twinned with Danielle

“Participating in the intercultural twinning with Viviana allowed me to share our history as Quebecers, visiting museums, Montreal neighborhoods and even the Notre-Dame-des-Neiges cemetery. We have two different cultures, but a lot in common as women. What a joy!”

Danielle, Twinned with Viviana

“In my opinion, twinning is a very good and important experience, because I had the opportunity to learn and practice my French a lot. During the twinning, I had the opportunity to share my experience and talk with other people who are from Montreal and who have knowledge of cultures. Since twinning with Thi Lieu, she has helped me to start reading in French, even though my level is intermediate. Thanks to her motivation, I’m able to read better and more and share my opinions with people.”

Fernando, Twinned with Thi Lieu

“Twinning is an opportunity not only to meet a person, but also a whole experience and life path. I was lucky enough to have two twins. Two different and equally fascinating people. Every moment spent with them is a sharing in which I feel their gratitude. Twinning has also enabled me to get to know CANA and the Ahuntsic district even better, which I discovered myself a few years ago, albeit with less of a change of scenery than my twins! I’m registered for a new twinning and I can’t wait!

Claire, Twinned with Ryan

How Does It Work?

Your Content Goes Here

Étape 1 - S'inscrire
Lorsqu'il sera disponible, remplissez le formulaire avant la date d'échéance.
Étape 2 - Rendez-vous
L’agente de mobilisation vous contactera pour planifier une rencontre d’environ 30 minutes avec vous afin de bien cerner votre profil (vos besoins, intérêts, etc.) et assurer le jumelage le plus optimal pour vous !
Étape 3 - Journée de lancement
Vous participerez à une journée de lancement, avec les autres participants du programme. Les jumeaux et jumelles se rencontrent !
Étape 4 - Jumelage
Pendant 6 mois, vous rencontrerez votre jumeau, jumelle ou famille jumelée. Vous serez libres d’organiser les activités qui vous intéressent, environ deux fois par mois. Une activité de groupe sera aussi proposée chaque mois !
Étape 5 - Soutien
Obtenez le soutien de notre équipe tout au long de l’aventure.


Souvenir pictures

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